using System; using System.Linq; static class ReverseString { public static void Main() { string text = "!uoy htiw eb ecrof eht yaM"; Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", text.Reverse())); } }
Tag: c#
Replace multiply whitespaces with single space inside text using C#.
using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; static class ReplaceWhiteSpaces { public static void Main() { string text = "This is some text with whitespaces in it . : )"; Console.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(text, @"(\s)\1+", " ")); } }
Easy way to find all palindromes inside string array using C#.
using System; using System.Linq; static class Palindromes { private static void Main() { string[] words = { "test", "notPalindrome", "azuruza", "aha", "what?", "b" }; Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", words.Where(w => w.SequenceEqual(w.Reverse())))); } }